WatchPoint Solutions Blog

WatchPoint Solutions has been serving the New Jersey area since 2015, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What Does Your Business Continuity Plan Look Like?

What Does Your Business Continuity Plan Look Like?

Considering how much can go wrong with your business, you must have a plan of action just in case things go awry. A managed IT provider can certainly help with the business technology side of things, but other factors affect how a business recovers from disaster. Let’s consider the many facets of a business continuity plan and how you can improve your own.

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Three New Features Being Added to Future Data Backup

Three New Features Being Added to Future Data Backup

When you think of innovation, data backup isn’t always at the top of the list of subjects that come up. As the demand for data security and redundancy grows, however, we are beginning to see some interesting innovative features being added to data backup. Let’s take a look at three interesting new features future data backup systems will include. 

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Data Backup: Perhaps the Most Important Investment You’ll Make

Data Backup: Perhaps the Most Important Investment You’ll Make

Your business relies on data to function, and losing this information could be a death sentence for your business without a data backup in place. Today, we want to explore why data backup is such an effective and important part of a business continuity plan, as well as how you can ensure that you are implementing the most important practices in regard to data backup.

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Two Actions You Can Take to Protect Your Data

Two Actions You Can Take to Protect Your Data

A network breach is one of the scariest situations a business owner can encounter. It can rock the foundation of your business to its core, especially if the unauthorized access results in a data breach. There are a lot of things that a business can do to build awareness, set up protections, and create a computing infrastructure that is mostly secure. This week, we will discuss two actions that every business should take in order to protect its data.

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Why the 3-2-1 Rule is So Important

Why the 3-2-1 Rule is So Important

For those of you that read our blog often, you know we often mention how backing up your business information systems is a crucial part of protecting your organization's IT infrastructure. One of the best rules of thumb when considering your data backup is what is called the 3-2-1 rule. Let’s go through what the 3-2-1 rule is and why it works to protect your business’ digital assets. 

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Don’t Let a Disaster Ruin Your Business

Don’t Let a Disaster Ruin Your Business

We have all heard about disaster scenarios in which offices are struck by terrifying threats that put the organization on life support. However, the most devastating disasters don’t necessarily have to destroy your business’ office to really do measurable harm to your organization. All they have to do is disrupt your operations so profoundly that it can be a real challenge to recover.

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You Might Not Realize the Critical Role Backup Plays

You Might Not Realize the Critical Role Backup Plays

There are many moving parts of a functional and successful business, all of which depend on access to its data. If you’re not prepared for a worst-case scenario in which your data gets wiped out, you’ll be in dire straits with no opportunities for recovery. If you take proactive action now, you can prevent a data loss incident from sinking your business.

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Your Business Needs to be Preparing for Disasters of All Types

Your Business Needs to be Preparing for Disasters of All Types

There are a lot of things that can cause a disaster for your business. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that human error is the most prevalent cause for a business disaster. Not a flood, not a fire, not a global pandemic, but someone making a mistake, doing something negligent, or trying to sabotage your business. 

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Your Business Can’t Sleep on Your Data Backup System

Your Business Can’t Sleep on Your Data Backup System

Whether we like it or not, there is a lot that can go wrong in business, much of which could prevent you from accessing your company’s data infrastructure. Let’s explore some of the different scenarios in which your business will be glad it has a data backup and disaster recovery solution in place.

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How To Create Business Continuity for Your Organization

How To Create Business Continuity for Your Organization

No one likes to imagine the worst-case scenario, but it’s important for businesses to put themselves in the shoes of an organization that has everything to lose. What would happen if you suddenly experienced a data loss disaster, or worse, a complete and total shutdown of operations? If you don’t have a plan in place, you will certainly wish you did. Let’s talk about how to make that happen.

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Is Data a Commodity? Maybe Not, but It Is an Asset


The late American author Kurt Vonnegut once wrote, “New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become.” Written in the 20th century, it has been put in practice by 21st century businesses. As the Internet has grown, the amount of companies expanded, and the amount of data that those companies collect has grown exponentially, especially now that there is a market for such data.

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