While you’re reflecting over the past year of business, it’s time to also consider what your future will consist of from an operational perspective. By reducing the organizational clutter on your network, you might find that you’re paying for and hosting a lot of applications that are completely unnecessary—something that needlessly strains your bottom line.
With the right tools in place, you can tell if an app is used by your organization, as well as how often it’s used. You don’t want to pay a subscription fee or licensing fee for an application that is rarely, if at all used. This is a simple return on investment value call; if you are more informed about what applications are necessary to run your business, you’ll be able to make better decisions in the future.
Really, if you find that you have a lot of subscriptions or services that you’re not using day-to-day, you’re throwing money away that could be reinvested into your business. It’s like paying for a streaming service that you always forget you paid for until the latest season of the next hot series is available, and all of a sudden you remember that you use it… six months later. It’s a waste, and you can avoid it with a little effort.
An annual audit of all applications and services your business actually uses can help you keep track of everything. Look at how often each application or service is used, as well as the value it brings as a result of that use. It’s also worth asking your employees how they feel about using it; if they rarely use it, perhaps there is a reason that you can learn about that will help you make better decisions in the future.
If you want to know which applications are installed on your devices at any given time, as well as how they are used, you can work with WatchPoint Solutions. We can give you detailed analytics on how your applications are utilized, and you can use this information to determine their value.
This kind of information and control can be extremely helpful, as you can know with certainty that your tools are being well-used by your staff. Plus, working with us to ensure that your team has access to the tools they need to do their jobs well means they are less likely to go outside your business’ approved solutions for the sake of productivity.
To learn more about annual application reviews, be sure to reach out to us at (848) 202-8860.