We aren’t shy about the numerous benefits that remote work has to offer. That being said, as it becomes increasingly clear that remote work is going to be a part of operations in some shape or form, it will be a challenge to keep those working remotely engaged as a part of a company’s established culture.
Let’s examine this issue, and a few ways to address it.
In short, people are losing their feeling of connection to their workplace and coworkers, and even their purpose as an employee. In December 2021, just a quarter of hybrid and remote workers felt any level of connection to the mission established by their employing organization, and a study conducted in 2023 saw nearly half of participants citing the loss of the workplace community as the main challenge of remote work.
Company culture has historically been an in-house element of a business, which makes it that much more challenging to keep your remote workers in the fold. What is it that you can do to keep your employees involved with your business, wherever they happen to work for you?
Identifying these opportunities and taking advantage of all of them—or at least, all that you can maintain—will be important for you to prioritize. Otherwise, your remote team members may start looking for alternative employment options.
The more you can keep your team members involved, the better you can keep them engaged.
With various communication and collaboration tools at their disposal, the distance between your in-house and remote team members can easily shrink down. This makes it far simpler for productive work to take place. Using the cloud, your team members can share progress on various files and projects, wherever they happen to be working.
We can help you put the technology in place that will enable you to do just that. Learn more by giving us a call at (848) 202-8860.